Lavita Staking - How to stake your airdropped Lavita Token

10 months ago
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The video by the BINJ Team discusses a new blockchain-based coin focused on next-generation healthcare. The platform utilizes artificial intelligence and aims to use massive biomedical datasets for research while ensuring data privacy. The team also envisions improving the lives of eight billion people worldwide through secure health data sharing and analysis.

The presenter introduces the core team behind this blockchain project and briefly talks about free airdrops as one of the exciting features. Although the presenter hasn't thoroughly researched the team, they provide detailed instructions on how to stake the coin. Staking is not as straightforward as it is on other platforms like Theta; it requires using the coin's unique platform rather than directly staking it through Theta.

The staking process involves multiple steps and options to connect various types of wallets, including MetaMask and Ledger. The presenter encounters some hurdles and confusions during the process, particularly while trying to connect to Ledger Live, which ultimately does not work. Instead, the presenter demonstrates how to successfully stake the coin using MetaMask. The video ends by indicating that staking on this platform takes a little longer than on others, advising viewers to be patient.

1. The BINJ Team introduces a new blockchain and AI-based coin focused on next-generation healthcare.
2. The platform aims to use extensive biomedical datasets for research while maintaining data privacy and ownership.
3. The presenter briefly mentions the core team behind the project and the availability of free airdrops.
4. Despite limited research on the core team, the video focuses on providing a step-by-step guide for staking the new coin.
5. The staking process is different from what users might be familiar with on the Theta platform.
6. Users must use the coin's specific platform for staking, rather than Theta.
7. The video explores wallet options like MetaMask and Ledger for staking but finds Ledger to be incompatible.
8. The presenter uses MetaMask for successful staking and switches networks within MetaMask to do so.
9. The process requires approval for spending limits and a small amount of T-fuel for transactions.
10. Staking on this platform takes longer than on others; patience is advised.

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