Book Review: The United States of Fear

1 year ago

This weeks #bookoftheweek is The United States of Fear by Dr. Mark McDonald. A quick dive into what exactly is Mass Delusional Psychosis and what can we do about it?

The accompanying #cocktail is, appropriately enough, called Psychosis.

1/2 shot Malibu Rum
1/2 shot Lime Juice
1 shot Coke
1 dash Grenadine
1 shot Apple Juice
1/2 shot Absinthe (red)
1/2 shot Lemon Vodka
1/2 shot Blue Curacao

I could not find absinthe red, which has hyacinth for color and flavor, so I went with traditional...except for the government interference...Absinthe. Overall this cocktail was...ok. Drinkable. A bit sour. Could definitely taste the wormwood.

South Park Season 21 Episode 2:
#bookreview #cocktails #booze #booksandbooze #psychosis #psychosiscocktail

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