Lying ALBO - WRITE NO to save Australia

10 months ago

Watch the deceit and lies & the story fully change - within a few sentences
If you fell for the CONvid PLANdemic - you should NOT Trust your government NOR media - NOR !!! those DODGY "aussie Celebs" that pushed the CL0T SH0T on you all and you fell for their Tricks and DODGY Agenda.... 10 of 1000s of Sportpeople dropping on the field ... kids "SUDDENLY" having heart attacks - all the j@bbed getting heart problems - blood clots - DEATH....
SORRY you fell for it.. if you dont want to admit it in public fine...
ADMIT TO YOURSELF the Australian Fake Corrupt Treasonous CORPORATION business - known as the "Australian Government ' -- can NO LONGER BE TRUSTED with our Land ( mining / building smart cities /made bushfires to make high speed rail line happen )
with our HEALTH - look at the greatest World DE-population agenda we just went through....

IF they change our constitution we LOSE PRIVATE OWNERSHIP FOREVER !!! &&&& PUBLIC ownership / usage or roads / shops you lease / BEACHES / state forests / National Parks..

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