Cyrus Nooriala, Cyber Security For Emotional Health

8 months ago

Health Heroes! In the modern world more and more technology has creeped into our lives and although parts of it have been amazing some of it is downright dangerous. Yes, with all the information in the world at our fingertips we have accelerated awareness and allowed people to move forward faster than ever before on their spiritual path. The downside of the obvious EMF’s scrambling our cells and bright lights throwing off our circadian rhythms are apparent. One of the worst pieces to the technology puzzle is the cyber security component and that's where stress from hackers can affect our health as well. Personally I have been hacked for over $25,000 since November of 2022 and it created a lot of contrast for me and I realized that cyber security is critical in the modern world. Then Cyrus Nooriala came into my life and he has built a business around protecting people and mainly businesses from cyber threats. I hope that you take this to heart and not cause worry but just give you the awareness so you can get yourself protected and live a calm peaceful life. Thank you for listening, please subscribe and share this podcast if you like the content and think it could benefit someone you know. Love & Light -Coach Tim. To contact Cyrus go to:

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