9.4.23- FINAL BATTLE, WISH coming true, FANI, Obama exposed, Victories. PRAY!

11 months ago

Devin Nunes: “ALL ROADS LEAD TO OBAMA…He needs to be subpoenaed and hauled in…

This is amazing. The guy who FOUNDED the DeSantis Super PAC destroys Ron and explains why he is now backing Trump: https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17/13806

🇬🇧✂️ ULEZ Wars: London Blade Runners Continue Battle Against Sadiq Khan's Emissions Scheme https://t.me/resistornewswireEUR/3285

👀 Tucker Carlson Says Several CNN Anchors Are Mouthpieces for the Intel Agencies https://t.me/chiefnerd/8035

🚩 Tucker Carlson Says They Will Do Anything to Stop Trump From Being President Again 🚩 Tucker Carlson Says They Will Do Anything to Stop Trump From Being President Again

Whistleblower Who Disclosed Myocarditis Spike in Military After COVID Vaccine Rollout Goes Public https://t.me/chiefnerd/8022

Texas Supreme Court Approves Banning of Child Sexual Mutilation and Goes into Effect TODAY! https://t.me/candlesinthenight/60868

Trump Statement Agenda 47 - To every Homeschool Family, I WILL BE YOUR CHAMPION! https://t.me/candlesinthenight/60848

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