The Mechanics of Creation: Energy States to Manifestation

9 months ago

The Mechanics of Creation: the states we need to achieve to affect desire into manifestation

1.30 I always make sure I am free and clear before I begin these sessions of investigation: in order to receive accurate answers and information, it is necessary to be free of various interference. I use sound- overtone singing has the resonant frequency which is able to shake out and off invasive or residual emotional energy. And I use command ‘prayer’ which I feel as I speak…

3.35 I introduce my topic: How, When We Connect to Source Energy, Does Our Desire, Our Prayer Become Created? I wan to investigate who hat Actually HAPPENS there. We are these nerve endings of Source, what actually happens when we have these requests?
4.50 What happens to Our field of energy, when we have hope, faith, belief, knowing that it is a righteous request, having resonance with Source, and that what we are asking for is good, and we have an expectation it will be given to us?
5.55 When we know that or request is of God, is of love is of divine, we expect and know that that-which-is-everything, creates it.
6.12 We are all extensions of the Divine Source Field. The way power has been abused is when OTHER WAYS were sought and found, which were not of love or goodness. When there were desires wished for which were of control, restriction and reduction of others, they were a PART of ‘All-that-is’ because they came form it BUT, the real manifesting power has to spring from a certain frequency.
7.07 The metaphor of two tiny half cells forming the template of a new Human Being: they have to contain high enough resonance to create their body, and their lives, sometimes despite, more than ‘because of’, their surroundings. Souls must have creation possibilities to be able to survive in this world.
8.44 So here I am, working for what I believe to be the good of the planet, of the people around me, plans and structures which I believe are for the good and the better, and for the people I love. I don’t want to operate in any other frequency than the resonance of love, and I will do what I need to to bring myself back into this state, if I recognise I have moved away from it.
10.33 I want to be shown what happens when I have a heartfelt desire, which fits to where my mind wants to grow. I use an example for a plant I observed:
11.26 We have magnetic fields which we create with our soul which we grow towards. Our desires are these energetic/etheric thought-fields, moving out into the world. Abraham Hicks spoke about “it is done”, because the clarity of such a wish has caused ‘it’ to exist on the etheric planes, and now we, like the plant I described, have to grow into that field. But we then have to be able to receive all the necessary particles of 3- d reality to make it available to our senses.

13.05 This is what I want to demonstrate and receive on: the transition from this clear ‘prayer’ into material tangible. How do we exist in the resonance of the creation field? There are the two parts: the expressing of the idea/desire/wish and the being in the state where our energy contributes to that wish taking form in the material world.
Love, peace, cheerful open optimistic expectation= the state of creativity/receptivity, the place from where ideas emerge in our minds.
So where do we need to be, to allow the idea to coalesce into the reality?
14.44 For this second part, we find ourselves in a different realm of Source-field energy: the ‘busy doingness’. (I feel the very high energy just talking about it…)- The energy place of that crystallisation, from the received idea, to the coalescing of energy, that is a very excited state of matter. As it ‘cools’ it becomes the matter. If we enter in that state of very high excitement, (as I am describing this, I have to move with it…the energy is charging through me)- a higher frequency than the energy we have in our walls….this is the pure essence of creativity. This is what has not been described to us: the height, the crackle, the fizz of this quality of energy- but this is where children go, because they are so close to Source.
16.40 We find it quite hard to get there- because we have forgotten we even CAN.
I describe the excited state I am in….it is NOT a passive ‘surrender’ to Source Field, it is an, “I have decided to join it!”
18.30 We forget we can raise ourselves MUCH HIGHER, using WILL to activate and invite and align with it. What state is this? A kind of ecstasy. A definite thrill.
19.20 I am in this thrill because I can feel my desire-thoughts joining with many other established paths of desire and creation. In this place- The Creation Field,
I describe the reference to the super-string landscape I witnessed previously ( 55.40 minutes in )
Describing the fiery energy which my ideas ‘met’ as they bubbled up around it and were changed. I describe the linear, logical way of getting things done: plotting it out and following it A-Z.
21.23 People use the phrase, “Just give it up to Source”, “surrender”, “let it happen”. And I am presenting that this CONSCIOUS DECISION to BE on this very high thrilling plane IS giving it up to Source: uniting with Source as best as I can….
21.40 Describing this meeting of the energetic waves, “synchronicity”, all the billions of small events which exist to enable an idea to find and build its path.
22.05 Just like the human body with its billions of nerve cells working together to enable life. And my example of grasping one hair on my head: I am the universe in this case, concerning the materialisation of my ideas…
22.55 And when I wish to receive the manifestation of an idea involving my personal body in the planetary system,
23.22 -it is like the fibres of existence ‘comb toward’ a certain aim. That is what is meant by ‘focus’. It is not that the idea is narrowed, but that it is strong enough NOT to fizzle out before it is manifested. I illustrate this with the analogy of a strawberry plant growing new baby plants.
25.20 My desire has a momentum. I hold the intention because it still feels like love, high vibration, and ‘right’. I hold it and it moves into the grid and touches on this, and this, and this synchronicity, and eventually it grows strength enough that it has found its way back into the physical manifestation into the rest of the world.
26.20 I want to look into the synchronistic moments: the peaks of movement in the etheric string-field grid as like-resonance touches like-resonance, forming an arc, a shift, a movement. A dance, a little ‘landscape’ is created. Both energetic sources move on differently, each line of energy charged by the other in a little entrainment moment.
28.11 I use the analogy of a car on the road: the relationship of the car and its engine and the road and the environment the car is moving through.
29.00 The coalescing of all of this is where the world is changed. Where my idea and the rest of the field meets.
29.23 Perpetual motion is required: how do you keep the energy moving while it is materialising…energy in the form of money, a specific material, or time for something to grow?
30.00 How did magicians create instantly? They would have needed massive amounts of energy from somewhere. The replicators from Startrek and the Pleidians harness massive amounts of energy from the vacuum…
30.40 Where does the energy supply for the completion, the manifestation of the desire come from? Is it that once the desire is related, that it has its own perpetuity? Or if it released in purity, it can move without resistance as though in a vacuum…?

31.59 “These questions are a delight, aren’t they! The fine-tuning of the creation process. As you march yourself through these different levels of reality and you know full well that this creation-potency is somewhere on a level that you don’t live. It is somewhere you call it above yourself, it is somewhere in the ethers, ‘high up there’ somewhere -you believe. -Where you have no connection. You have just been telling your audience that we need to operate on these higher levels, but we have forgotten that we are allowed. (telling them)That it is part of us.
32.29 What about this?
Do you remember when I always told you to wear a hat? And the hat you put on, was very tall? ( as a small child I always put something on my head., and I knew in relationships I needed to remember to wear an etheric crown…) What if, that is for all the ‘heads’ that are above your head? What if the state you were in was here ? (indicating less than a foot above my head (30cm), and the state you need to be in was here (indicating about 50-60 cm above my head, 1.5ft) What if THAT is the Source-Creation field, - just you never realised that it was you?
32.55 A part of you is doing it. What if you allow more of yourself to do it? How would you change as a human being in your life? Would you be able to exist in the life you know? Is this what’s known as ‘the ascension’? In the books- you know those ones… (The Celestine Prophecies)…where you are in a state that is not seen any more by humans, because you are existing at a different level. Is this where you want to be? ( Getting mighty hot at that feeling.) How would you be? How would you do it? Would you just be living off air and water- the Prana girl? You tried that once before didn’t you, and you lost a lot of weight (chuckle). Is this the way to do it? Is it just to talk yourself into this space, and to dwell in it as much as possible? Is it that? Or is it just knowing that this is a part of you- like a sphere. The idea of the Russian Doll, many small dolls within the larger one. What about you as a sphere? Your physical body as the centre of it, but it is an infinite field, and know that, at the edge of you, whatever that might be, is where these manifestations is touching the edges of the others: other humans other entities, other essences. And that is where this creation is happening- on those levels. So it’s not that it goes beyond you, it’s just that the ‘you’ is larger than you are normally considering it to be. And when you surrender, you are literally just handing it over to those dimensions that don’t normally inhabit your mind. - It would blow your mind!
35.00 When you plant a seed in the ground, you know it has the genetic material and coding to open up. And with some reasonable conditions, to grow into the plant that it was intended, from that strange little seed. It will grow in certain ways, according to the wind, according to the amount of water and the structure and the quality of the soil and its neighbours- the crowding or the space, the dryness or the dampness of the air: all these conditions will change the shape and form, but it will still be that plant.
35.49 You are looking to create an optimal condition for your manifestation: to CREATE that, not to accept imposition of a field beyond you, and you just merely inhabiting it as a visitor. You are looking at how you can BE this source of creation: give it the food it requires, the fuel it requires. And you are taught by your religions, your spirituality and your books, that you must receive this clearly, purely, express it in whatever way through your mind, or speak it, draw it, sing it, and then you must leave it! It is what you were told to do: this surrender…and the ‘something, something something’…something takes it up. And you call the ‘something’ the divine: GOD.
God is the field in which you live- always. God is the field containing all possibilities- always. God is that with makes you, and everything around you.
So, “giving it to God” is indeed, allowing it to be. But how active? Is there another person on the outside, taking up your chant, your prayer, your desire? Is there the man with the beard? Is there the Christ? Or is the Christ the inspiration of the state of being? The beauty of his song to remind you of the beauty of your song, and the way you may elevate yourself into those higher levels, where you may feel and be involved into the stream of your manifesting power that it is more crystal clear, and stronger and brighter. And that it becomes a force in itself of influence an inspiration as it moves through this… call it the ‘3-d world’. - You’ve called it the matrix, but you would tend to use that word for the darker impositions upon your world. I am now literally talking about the reality in which you live. Which has both the unwanted matrix and the ‘ur-power’ which has the original vital essence of the divine everything.
That is where you were talking of course. And you are regaining, reclaiming your space within that knowledge, to understand the true potency of the human being. How active you may be in this process or defining a life for yourself and for others, that you would consider good and bright and love-filled and elevating and thrilling.
38.55 The answer would be to spend more time in this zone. You must find all the spaces and places within you, where you can activate this level- the place of ‘thrill’.
39.09 This is why you love your man so much- for he loves this space too. And you and he are potent, potent, potent. ‘Spice it up’ within yourself and he will find that too. Then your webs will weave together stronger. Not just on that etheric level, but you will have to find that you will be getting closer and closer, as more of your energy meets each other. You see the synapses of the grid meet. That energy: it is the energy you are looking at, the quality of it. “
39.48 I felt quite tired before I began this because I needed to feel this energy. We have forgotten that we have the power to activate ourselves into these energetic realms. We need to remember now, we can take it any time we want. We will be laughing at those who have been trying to tie us down. Oh yes! We need to remember how much we can take back.

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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

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