The World Cannot Hate You - Pastor Ken Peters

9 months ago

John 7:1-24

The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it that its works are evil: The brothers of Jesus agreed with the common opinions of their day about good and evil – therefore the world could not hate them. Jesus boldly confronted the sins of His age, and was therefore the target of much hatred. - David Guzik The world cannot hate you: “There is no danger of your incurring the world’s hatred by anything you do or say; because your wishes and actions are in the world’s own spirit.” - Dods The world cannot hate you - Because ye are of the world. But me it hateth - And all that bear the same testimony. - John Wesley The real cause of the world’s enmity to the gospel is the testimony it bears against sin and sinners. Christ’s witnesses by their doctrine and conversation torment those that dwell on the earth, and therefore are treated so barbarously, Rev. 11:10. But it is better to incur the world’s hatred, by testifying against its wickedness, than gain its good-will by going down the stream with it. - Matthew Henry

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