Dr. Ben Marble: "Fauci Is The Greatest Mass Murderer In the History of the World"

9 months ago

(Jan. 23, 2022) Dr. Marble told Alicia Powe at the Defeat the Mandate rally in Washington, DC., “This is mass genocide. Nazi Fauci is the greatest mass murderer in the history of the world. He needs to be arrested and on trial for Nuremberg 2.0 along with Bill Gates of hell, and George ‘Sarass’, Nazi Klaus Schwab – all the billionaire elite.”

Article by Alicia Powe: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/exclusive-doctor-treating-covid-patients-free-fauci-greatest-mass-murderer-history-hellspitals-new-concentration-camps/
Dr. Ben Marble: https://myfreedoctor.com/

I’m currently duplicating my ‘Prevent Global Genocide’ channel on Brighteon to Rumble. For more recent content please visit: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/nuremberg

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