Israel Contemplates Stringent Measures for Repatriating Eritrean Protesters

10 months ago

Israel Mulls Stringent Measures, Including Immediate Deportation of Eritrean Asylum Seekers Amid Rioting

Following a surge of disorder in Tel Aviv last Saturday, Israel is contemplating a series of robust actions, such as the swift deportation of Eritrean asylum seekers who were involved in the riots.

The violent clashes, which left around 170 individuals injured, erupted between police and rival groups of Eritrean regime supporters and opponents. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asserted that a "red line" had been crossed during these events. Consequently, he has initiated a new plan aimed at expelling what he referred to as "illegal infiltrators" — the African migrants residing in the country.

The turmoil began when activists, critical of the Eritrean government, appealed to Israeli authorities to cancel an embassy-organized event. Subsequently, after breaching a police barricade, officers resorted to tear gas, stun grenades, and live rounds in an effort to restore order.

Approximately 18,000 Eritrean asylum seekers currently reside in Israel, claiming to have fled danger, persecution, and mandatory military conscription in one of the world's most oppressive nations.

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