Do you feel alone? Like God's to busy to notice what you’re going through?

9 months ago

During challenging times, it's natural to question whether anyone truly comprehends our struggles, despite our belief that God is watching over and guiding us.

Having faith in the Lord isn't enough. We should listen and engage in a conversation with him. Remember, it's a two-way conversation.

When Jesus went to heaven, he sent the Holy Spirit to be with us always. He promised that the Holy Spirit will never leave us and is always available to us. This means that we have access to God's love, healing, and redemption power. The Holy Spirit is always there to help us with our thoughts, feelings, and desires, in other words, our soul.

The Bible is a great source of God's truth, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, it can give us new life and support us through difficult times when we feel weak or are suffering.

Just to make things clear, we can connect with the Holy Spirit by embracing His seven vital roles in our lives. When we draw near to the Lord, we can be confident that the Holy Spirit will help us navigate through these roles and guide us toward a fulfilling life.

1 The Holy Spirit Is Our Regenerator

Jesus told Nicodemus that we are born again by the Holy Spirit. “Truly, truly, I say to you,” Jesus said in John 3:5, “unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”

2 The Holy Spirit Is Our Empowerer

Jesus told His early followers that when they were baptized in the Holy Spirit, they would be “clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49).

The Spirit transforms us into passionate followers of Jesus and grants us the ability to speak with confidence, heal the sick, and perform miracles. But we must have faith and submit to Him in all matters, big or small.

3 The Holy Spirit Is Our Guide

As believers, we can trust the Holy Spirit to give us divine wisdom and knowledge. When we seek Him, we can find truth and spiritual growth. The Holy Spirit is our teacher, as mentioned in 1 John 2:27, and those who have faith in Him will be led to make the right choices and take the right steps through His guidance from above.

4 The Holy Spirit Is Our Uniter

According to the Book of Acts, the first disciples who were baptized in the Holy Spirit made it a priority to continuously learn from the apostles, spend time in fellowship, break bread together, and pray. This is highlighted in Acts 2:42.

People who follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit tend to seek out the company of others who share their beliefs.

5 The Holy Spirit Is Our Intercessor

The Holy Spirit's work within us is truly amazing! As Paul, an apostle, explained, the Holy Spirit residing within us communicates our prayers to God, even when we cannot find the words to express ourselves. The Holy Spirit conveys God's will perfectly, helping us to overcome any challenge we may face, from hidden sins to relationship issues, work, raising children, or questioning our faith. It's comforting to know that the Holy Spirit is praying alongside us and for us, providing the support we need to safely overcome any obstacle.

6 The Holy Spirit Is Our Comforter

Before being crucified, Jesus emphasized the importance of the Holy Spirit to His disciples, assuring them that they wouldn't be alone after He left.

Jesus told them in John 14:16–18: I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

7 The Holy Spirit Is Our Refiner

On the Day of Pentecost, something amazing happened to the 120 disciples gathered in the Upper Room. The Spirit revealed Himself to them in two ways. First, they heard the sound of a rushing wind. Second, flames of fire appeared on each person's head! This fire also reminds us of how holy God is.

Many of us have a tendency to keep our sins hidden away in private, concealing our uncertainties, vulnerabilities, and apprehensions. We often try to present ourselves as having everything under control, even when we're struggling with shameful guilt. But when the Holy Spirit enters with force, it purifies us of these hidden sins and frees us from the burden of our secrets.

Consider the type of relationships we could have with our significant others, children, and companions if we only reached out to them when we required something or wanted them to listen without responding. It's vital to acknowledge that the Holy Spirit yearns for intimacy with us. He wishes to impart His insights about us and what the Father has in store for us.

As we begin our morning prayer, are you open to the Lord's purification, even in areas that may be hidden, so that you can develop a genuine trust in the Holy Spirit's power and avoid living without our God's Spirit?

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