When to Strategically Exit the Businesses Gifted by God

1 year ago

When is it the right time to sell the local kingdom businesses of God?

In this episode Steve and I discussed the purposes of God’s kingdom business and asked relevant questions to bring this subject to light.


- Should businesses be considered ATM’s for ministries?
- What do kingdoms and businesses have in common?
- What should I consider when I sell my kingdom business?
- Local business owned by a foreign entity… what happens to all the profit?
- Owning foreign businesses, the kingdom way
- How much are God’s business ideas worth?
- Why are we both kings and priest. (Understanding the unique roles both these titles play)
Hint: People and Cities
- Why are you in business in the first place?

To hear more from Steve Magnuson about the Kingdom of God go to:

Shiloh International is a prophetic voice established to boldly declare the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in our generation and articulate what a manifestation of His Kingdom looks like in the cities and nations of the earth.

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