✨RETROGRADES: Riding a Bicycle Backwards!🚵

9 months ago

In this video, I make an analogy between acting in the world while navigating the psychological energies of planetary retrogrades and one of the first skills I taught myself - with no one else's help - at age 8, safely riding a bicycle - backwards!

What are planetary retrogrades? When planets _appear_ to be moving backwards, of course! When learning to ride a bike backwards, of course, just like riding forwards, you have a LIFELONG skill. Like the dozens of other conceptual, psychological skills I offer here, if you can truly do your shadow work (another appropriate thing to think about during retrogrades,) then you'll be able to begin to teach yourself a powerful lifelong skillset, whereby, ULTIMATELY, you'll figure out the TIMELESS (respectful,) BUDDAHMIND (within yourself) is always going to be fine, okay, no matter how conflictual the outer planets are, no matter how much psychological battles he is forced thru by the false authorities, the person who can maintain this field of pure awareness (the original Christ mind,) will not run into obstacles, even when, (as there are times when we all must be,) moving forward with actions during major planetary retrogrades. PEACE & RESPECT ENJOY!

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