1 year ago

In a clip posted to Facebook on the 23rd of April, 2022 Riccardo Bosi goes on a foul-mouthed tirade against the media, and the AFP, or Australian Federal Police whom he refers to as the Australian Fucking Police.

Bosi promises the world is about to change and that media and police will soon be in general prison population where they'll get "plenty of sex." These claims have failed to materialise and it appears Bosi was simply riled up and talking out his ass.

He also accused the AFP of being populated with "junior woodchucks" and of being Masonic filth and Satanists. I'm honestly not sure where he is getting this information from, but Bosi appears to obsessed with these organisations.


Ladies and gentlemen of the media, we don't have to hang you because you're gonna hang yourselves. You will never show your face, not because we're violent, because we're not.

Because unlike the speeches you've been giving on TV, it has been the vaxxed that have threatened us. All we have done is try to gently persuade these lunatics not to kill themselves.

But the people you've been boosting are the hard-hearted, soulless bastards that threatened us. And that includes our lovely men and women of the Australian Fucking Police. Because that's what the "F" stands for, ladies and gentlemen.

And I got told apparently 80% are on our side. BULLSHIT !!!
If you're on our side, you quit now. But you're not.

Now, ladies and gentlemen of the Australian Fucking Police, you are required to protect me because I'm a federal candidate. So how about you take your gun and badge off and get down here and prove to me what a fucking man you are.


Now, you paedophile protecting Satanists. You Masonic filth. If you think your organisation is going to save you, you are sadly mistaken. Because my information indicates that you're already taking each other out.

So you junior woodchucks up there, you junior fucking Masonic filth woodchucks that think that that badge and gun is gonna protect you. The world is about to change. We're going to get a new world, but it's NOT THE ONE YOU FUCKING ORDERED !!!

I am not making a threat to a Federal police officer. But by fuck you come anywhere near me, you'll never see the fucking light of day again!

Your world, "media," your world "police" is about to fucking end. And you're not going to like most of it. And those of you that like sex, you'll get plenty because you're going to go into general population.

Now you know why I started with the Lord's Prayer because I'm a very bad Christian.


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