Are You Even Listening to Me? (James 1:19 - 27)

1 year ago

9/3/23 James 1:19-27 life group questions

1. What happens if we are quick to speak and quick to anger? Why is this a problem when trying to live according to the righteousness of God. Jms.1:19-20 see also Num.20:11-12, Jms. 3:17-18

2. In verse 21, James says to lay aside filthiness and wickedness. How do we do this, and why is it necessary, in order to receive the Word as God desires us to? See also Rom:13:12-13, Eph. 4:22-24, Col.3:8-10, 2 Tim. 2:20-21. Rom.8:12-17, Gal. 1:5

3. Why is meekness or humility so important when preparing to hear the Word. What can happen if we, instead, have an attitude of self-serving, or pride? See Matt 7:1-5, Jms. 3:13-16

4. Why does James point out that God’s Word is “able to save your souls” in verse 21 when telling us to receive the word. How can we be confident in the power and authority of scripture, and why is it necessary in order to truly receive the Word. See also Heb.4:12-16, 2 Tim. 3:15-17

5. Verses 22-25 point out how absurd it is for us to not follow through and apply scripture to our lives once we have received it. What prevents us from doing this? What steps can we take to avoid being “forgetful hearers”.

6. Verse 27 gives two examples of what it looks like to be “doing the work” mentioned in vs 25. One involves outward love and care for others, while the other involves pursuing God’s righteousness inwardly. Are both necessary? What problems can arise if we focus our energy in one direction and ignore the other?

7. Read Matthew 7:22-27, Jesus’ conclusion to the sermon on the mount. In verse 27, what things might be represented by rains, floods, and winds in our lives? What are the end results of not applying scripture in our lives?

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