Your Children Will Never Lie To You | Bache Walden Se Jhoot Kyon Bolte Hen | Sarwan Khattak | Urdu

1 year ago

​ @SarwanKhattak @InfedutainmentWithSarwan @umer-the-brogrammer @umer-goku
Bache apnay waldain se jhoot bolte hen lekn wo apne doston se jhoot nhe bolte to ager waldain ye chahtay hen k un ke bache un se joot na bolen to phr waldain ko chaheye ke wo apnay bchon ke dost bun jain. Is tarah se ye hoga ko jis tarah se un k bache apne doston se jhoot nhe bolte wo apnay waldain se bhe ke jo ab un ke dost bun chekey hen, wo un se bhe jhoot nhe bolen ge. Children lie to the parents but they dont lie to their friends. So If you want your children not to lie to you, become their friends. They will stop lying to you as the don't lie to their friends.
Bache Waldain Se Jhoot Kyon Bolte Hen | Why Children Lie To Parents |Bachon Ki Tarbiat | Parenting

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