Ishmael The Forgotten Son | Hagar and Ishmael (The Father Of The Arabs) | Biblical Stories Explained

1 year ago

According to the three extraordinary Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—Ishmael, is the child of Abraham and Hagar. Ishmael and his mother were driven to the desert following the birth of Isaac, Abraham's second child through Sarah. Ishmael was a minor figure in Judaism and Christianity from that point on, but he continued to play a major role in Islamic culture, which suggests that he became accustomed to Mecca.

In the Jewish Sacred text (Starting 16:1-16; 17:18-26; 21:1–21), Abraham's spouse Sarah initially failed to become pregnant, so she gave Abraham her maidservant Hagar to think of a child. Ishmael was born into Abraham's family and raised there. Regardless, Sarah considered Isaac, with whom God had made his promise, nearly 13 years later. Isaac was Abraham's sole heir, and Ishmael and Hagar were driven to the desert. However, God promised that Ishmael would establish his unique nation.

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