Vitality For Gamers: Be a Gamer in Life (

1 year ago

Vitality For Gamers aim is to create vitality in one's life by gaming in the Real World.

Don't be an NPC, a Non-Player Character in life. With the Gamification of life, you can start taking control with our Achieve Before Reward system, so achieve and Level-Up your Real-Life Avatar before rewarding yourself with Screen-Time, Gaming, Treats, Workaholic, or other indulgences.

Begin with the Vitality Challenge, a program designed to develop healthy habits for your real-life avatar. Remember, you are who you create.

and as we become healthier, we all benefit, and so does the Earth, as we are all connected. Opting for Healthier Choices, being Active, Buying Local, and consuming less will improve our health, outlook on life and, reduce our impact on the Earth and create Vitality in our lives.

Start Leveling Up Today, by checking out our website, at, or and Join Us for the Greater Good...

Vitality For Gamers

#VitalityForGamers #HealthyGamer #GamingFitness #HealthyGaming #ActiveGamer #GamingNutrition #FitnessAndGaming #HealthyGamerHabits #HealthyGameLife #GameLifeBalance #HealthyGamerCommunity #GamingMindset #EcoFriendlyLifestyle #SustainableLiving #EcoConscious #HealthyPlanetHealthyYou #CarbonFootprint #HealthyForEarth

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