Pokemon Trading Card Game - Part 4: First Tournament

9 months ago

After getting your third medal (badge), you can take part in a tournament for a special promo card. In the event you want to get all of the cards, this is the only reliable way to get this promo. If you want more of them, they will appear randomly in the post game when more tournaments are held. This tournament can be missed, so don't take too long to do it.

The premise for the tournament is that you need to win 3 matches in a row, and the third match will always be the rival. For the first two, they are randomly pulled from the other trainers in the game, so it could be someone you've seen before, it could be someone different.

I recommend saving in the event you do not have a deck to take advantage of the various types. It is possible for me to run into someone from the water club and have little recourse, but luckily with the fire deck, you only need to worry about the water trainers which are rare. For the rival battle, Energy Removals are worth their weight in gold. He packs loads of different energy and being able to zero in on the ones he needs and leaving the rabble could leave him completely helpless.

As for the promo card, it is a Mewtwo that was given away in the first Pokemon movie at various theaters. It was one of four cards given away, and I remember there was a Dragonite and Electabuzz, but I don't remember if the fourth card was a Pikachu or not. Interestingly enough, my cousin got this one while I got the Dragonite. Personally, I think the Mewtwo was the best of the bunch, and it fits well into a lot of psychic decks. I will attempt to field one before the game ends.

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