September 4, 2023

1 year ago

🤮🤮🤮 Remember when Mark Zuckerberg showed you what he was really about?
They are laughing while rubbing our noses in this Babylonian Shit.
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🤔💰🤡30 Signs You Might Be An Empire Simp😂🇺🇸🎙
There are many bootlicking simps for the US empire. It’s not entirely their fault; the empire has the most sophisticated propaganda machine ever devised and most westerners have been marinating in its influence their entire lives. But it does happen, and it’s good to bring awareness to it. Here then are 30 signs you might be an empire simp:
1. You get triggered whenever anyone highlights the well-documented western provocations that paved the way to the war in Ukraine.
2. You think Putin invaded Ukraine solely because he is evil and hates freedom and the US is pouring weapons into the nation because it loves Ukrainians and wants to protect their freedom and democracy.
( @therevolutionreport
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