Nebuchadnezzar - King of the World to the madhouse and back - Daniel 4

10 months ago

Nebuchadnezzar had it all, at least he thought he did. God sent him a dream of a great tree & he sent Daniel to interpret the dream and warn the king that catastrophe was coming due to his great pride. But the king ignored the warnings, & God struck the king when he least expected it. God sent him into 7 years of total madness. Then at the end of this time, God returned the sanity of the king, and gave him back his kingdom. The king having been humbled, was then able to give rightful praise and appropriate honour to the one true God.

Sydney based, verse by verse study of the book of Daniel. Part 6 of 21. The series will be presented from a dispensational, premillennial perspective, by Paul Woodley.

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