"Walk With The King" Program, From the "Be Patient" Series, titled "God’s Miracle Grow"

1 year ago

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"Walk With The King" Program, Practical & Encouraging Messages From The Ministry of Dr. Robert A. Cook.
From the "Be Patient" Series, titled: "God’s Miracle Grow" (Broadcast #7469)
Scripture References: Romans 14:19

Learn about Dr. Cook's ministry at https://www.walkwiththeking.org/


Alright, thank you very much and hello again, radio friends. How in the world are you? Are you doing all right? Well, I trust everything’s okay at your house and I want to greet you once again in the name of our Blessed Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He’s the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and our savior. And we love Him, don’t we? I’ve been looking with you at Romans chapter 14. You want to come back with me now to that passage? We were working around in verse 19 where Paul says, “Let’s follow,” and that word follow means “pursue” like a hunter pursues his quarry, “Let’s pursue the things that make for peace and the things wherewith one may edify,” that means build up, like you build a house, “build up another.”

And we talked about how to go about this matter of helping to build someone else up. Now remember this chapter started by saying “Him that is weak in the faith receive ye.” Let him in. Don’t throw him out. And don’t argue with him so as to turn him off of the Lord and the truth of God but bring him in and open your heart to him. Now, part of this matter of receiving a person who is weak is to go systematically about the business of building him up wherever and however you can, not making a federal case of it, necessarily but just because you care about him or her, because you care about the individual, you’re going to look for ways to strengthen that person’s faith.

Now, there are two concepts that Paul raises there in verse 19. One is “things that make for peace,” because a harried and harassed and troubled person doesn’t do much spiritual growing. That doesn’t mean that you have to get out from under the pressures in order to grow. It does mean that you have to learn the secret of the peace of God in your own heart and in your relationships before you’re going to grow very much under pressure. When I was a little boy I would plant a garden on one day and then the next morning I’d be out there digging around to see if the seeds had start to come up yet.


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Isaiah 55:11:
“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”

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