Why didn't i make a title for this one before streaming?? Idk man, idk

Streamed on:

Hopefully battlenet/blizzard/the universe will actually let me get through this level

Looking for something to do after the stream? Some things I HIGHLY recommend:

Kegz asked me to to this thing, and I did, and it was fun and ridiculous and goofy. Lots of laughs. Check it out:

Anything Synthtrax does in general, but tonight he's doing a special rockband pre-show. Check that out here:

I swing a hammer, John pees on things, RadiantDawn does Radiant things, and Tea brings the sass here:

(psst, its rockband night): https://rumble.com/v3eii0p-rumble-rock-band-night-15-the-late-show-with-sophmorejohn.html

I kick charles' ass in mario party (no I dont, but please give me credit anyway): https://rumble.com/v39u80b-quick-mario-party-stream-ft.-bewarethemoon.html

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