Brains on Trial: Neuroscience and Law

9 months ago

140816 Like and subscribe. This is an archive, check the link in the end if you are owner. What if we could peer into a brain and see guilt or innocence? Brain scanning technology is trying to break its way into the courtroom, but can we—and should we—determine criminal fate based on high-tech images of the brain? Join a distinguished group of neuroscientists and legal experts who will debate how and if neuroscience should inform our laws and how we treat criminals.

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Original program date: June 1, 2013
PARTICIPANTS: Anthony D. Wagner, Jay N. Giedd, Nita A. Farahany, Jed S. Rakoff, Kent Kiehl

Alan Alda's Introduction 00:00

Participant Introductions 2:05

Brain imaging that can read your mind. 04:11

Can we trust what technology is telling us? 6:23

Can the brain imaging tell the difference between reality and imagination? 12:15

When does this information come into the courtroom? 14:43

fMRI and what it does. 18:22

Information bias and technology. 24:41

Printing images of your thoughts. 36:19

Teaching a computer the brain patterns to know it all. 39:30

Jed S. Rakoff, Kent Kiehl and Jay N. Giedd join the conversation. 46:21

Studding the adolescent brain. 48:13

How much is age a factor in sentencing? 53:25

Should we introduce mandatory brain scanning into criminal sentencing? 57:19

The influence of peer pressure on decision making. 1:02:50

Creating a mobile scanning unit for prisons. 1:08:45

If the presents of others in decision making is dangerous, how does a prison atmosphere effect the danger? 1:15:12

If someone is a psychopath should they just be given longer sentence? 1:22:25

What are the goals for the future of brain scanning and the legal system? 1:27:11

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