1 year ago

Oprah Winfrey is a well-known American media mogul, television host, actress, producer, and philanthropist. She gained widespread fame through her talk show "The Oprah Winfrey Show," which aired from 1986 to 2011. The show became one of the highest-rated and most influential daytime talk shows in television history.

Oprah Winfrey's impact extends beyond television. She has been involved in various media ventures, including acting in films and producing movies and TV shows through her production company, Harpo Productions. She has used her platform to highlight important social and personal issues and has been a strong advocate for self-improvement, education, and empowerment.

In addition to her media career, Oprah is known for her philanthropic efforts. She has donated to various causes and established the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, which provides education and support for disadvantaged young women.Oprah Winfrey is Coming Under HEAVY SCRUTINY Over Her Suspicious Maui Land Purchasing Just Prior To The Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fires 🔥

OPRAH: “Owns over 2000 acres on Maui, 870 of which were just purchased earlier this year” What Luck! How Did She Know?!?

We have the media trying to paid Oprah as a saint as you see in some of these news clips but local residents (and anyone with a brain) IS NOT BUYING IT

“We move on for the moment to one of the island's most famous long time residents. This is on the recovery side of things, Oprah Winfrey. She spent the past several days, along with many, many others, doing what she could. You would see people lined up, cots, cots, cots, right next to each other. You would see people with all of their worldly possessions in, you know, like a small garbage bag. You figure out what the rebuild.

I'm not buying it owning 2,000 acres of someone else's land, someone else's sacred land. Oprah now commands over 1,000 acres, but here's the twist. Amidst this real estate surge, a sudden fire happens, destroying homes nearby, but leaving her vast terrains unscathed. Once again, Oprah Winfrey is allegedly on the verge of getting canceled over the whooping amount of land she owns in Maui, amid the recent devastating fires in the area.

Let us take a look at Oprah Winfrey and her lands that are causing her controversy after controversy. Oprah Winfrey has sparked controversy with her recent visit to the War Memorial Complex in Wailuku, which is currently functioning as an emergency shelter for survivors of the Maui fires. Her visit generated headlines after reports emerged that she was denied entry along with a CBS News crew.

Oprah's initial visit was met with restrictions imposed by the shelter management and according to reports she was informed that no camera crews or journalists would be allowed inside the shelter to respect the privacy and dignity of those seeking refuge.

—— ongoing debate about her presence and actions in Maui in light of her purchases of over 2000 acres as natives continue to be priced out of their ancestral home. Since the fires began, people have called out Oprah on social media and this situation has only deepened the debate over her controversial presence on Maui since she has been a part time resident of the island since the early 2000s

She owns over 2000 acres on Maui, 870 of which were just purchased earlier this year. One of the things Oprah was able to do after she took her first tour through there, had a visit with people, is she went to Costco, she went to Wal-Mart and she bought just basic necessities. Oprah told BBC that she found out what people needed then shopped at Walmart and Costco so she could hand out supplies like pillows, shampoo and diapers. And outside of the shelter, she and CBS News spoke to some victims and volunteers. These reports caused an uproar online and allegations started being thrown around.

Most were asking why a billionaire with such a lot of land in Maui, which has been alleged to not have been scathed, did not offer to help by seeking shelter for the residents. Some claimed that buying necessities for the people would close people's eyes to the fact that she has enough of the locals' land to help them out. The County of Maui shared a statement on Facebook writing, To clarify, Oprah was able to visit our shelter and we thank her for instructing media journalists and camera crews to remain outside. We welcome Oprah to continue to uplift our community's spirit and give her aloha to victims of the tragedy.

DEWs, Direct Energy Weapons
#Hawaii #Maui #MauiFires #Lahaina #LahainaFires #DEWs #DirectedEnergyWeapons

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