We are a global Afrikan people. ✊🏿

10 months ago

The term "Afrikan" with a unique spelling is sometimes used to emphasize a distinct cultural and historical connection to the African continent, particularly among communities that have been dispersed around the world due to historical events like the transatlantic slave trade.

The African diaspora refers to the worldwide population of people who are descended from Africans who were forcibly brought to other parts of the world, primarily the Americas, Europe, and other regions, as a result of slavery and colonization.

This sense of shared identity among people of African descent, regardless of where they currently live, is often accompanied by efforts to celebrate and reconnect with African heritage, culture, and history. It can also involve discussions about issues such as systemic racism, social justice, and empowerment.

It's worth noting that identities and perspectives within the African diaspora can be diverse and multifaceted, reflecting a range of experiences, histories, and viewpoints.

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