🦻🏼LISTEN We the People!🇺🇸⚔️

10 months ago

WHOA, NELLY! NOW, WAIT JUST A SECOND! HOLD ON THERE! WHAT DID TRUMP SAY?!? LISTEN @ 1:12 Did he not say he will cut funding to those who OPPOSE mask and vaccine mandates!?!
WTH, is going ON, here?! Are people far too hypnotized to listen and hear his REAL words!? IDK! Am I imagining this or is this not completely crazy insane?!

Strength in numbers! Do NOT be a traitor to your nation.
#NMWDNC No matter what, DO NOT COMPLY.
Check your state government actions.
Some have banned masks and/or mandates.
If not, contact your officials and demand action.

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