The Unseen

1 year ago

A Conversation with A Voice Crying In The Desert - Evangelist James Carter from Fort Wayne, IN

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Have you ever felt like a Ghost? Like no sees you? You are invisible even it is just you and one other person? You are certainly not alone.

I felt that way most of my life. I was treated that way most of my life, even after I came to know Jesus. And there are so many others who are treated the same way. It is wrong. It is time we start seeing people who are not like us, those who are poor, those who have suffered abuse or trauma, those who do not dress like us or talk like us, those who have criminal records, addictions or alcoholism. It is time we do what Jesus did.

Join us for the next installment of our Series on what I was before I found the Love of Jesus. Last week was The Outcast, this week is The Unseen, coming up is Love Saves, The Prodigal, and Look WHAT The LORD Has Done. And then this boy who never thought he would live to see his 16th birthday will celebrate turning 56.

Isn't Our God Amazing? 40 years of life I never thought I would have. What has He done for you?

To join our Outreach Missions work or to support us, or if you have any needs we can pray with you about, please send us an email to

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