Many young Chinese call themselves the “last generation” as they can’t see any hope in their country

9 months ago

9/2/2023 【@NFSCSpeaks Infiltration Files】Roy and Saturn: Many young people call themselves the “last generation” as they can’t see any hope in their country. The CCP fabricates everything including its economic, stock market, and even population data. The reality is that Communist China has been experiencing various crises, including food shortages, a further rise in unemployment rates, and a simultaneous collapse in both financial and real estate markets.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/2/2023 【新中国联邦Infiltration Files节目】罗伊和风中风中:很多年轻人看不到希望,称自己为“最后一代人”。中共伪造经济、股市甚至人口数据,真实情况是中共国已经出现了各种危机,粮食短缺,失业率进一步攀升,金融和房地产崩盘同时发生。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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