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Burning Man Symbology

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Though the festivals have had their share of critics over the years, virtually all BM alumnus fiercely defend the event. For an event that has been described as a “dystopian hellscape,” criticisms have centered around the culture of lawlessness/anarchy that pervades the event. Not to mention countless injuries that are an inevitable result of mass intoxication.

Burning Man isn’t the only festival catering to a raucous, hedonistic subculture of America, though it is at this time probably the most well-known. In one way or another, all major festivals like Coachella, Juggalos, Musikfest, Burning Man, and others stand in the shadow of that zenith of such concert events, Woodstock. Though Woodstock was controversial in its time, what Burning Man has become makes that 1969 event look tame.

One of the core principles of BM is that of “radical self-expression,” which is ostensibly about releasing the creativity, gifting, and originality in all of us. BM is professed to be about liberation, personal awakening, and peaceful community, but the reality of the experience is quite different. After traveling long distances to get there, living out the almost week-long event, then enduring the hangover afterward, many attendees come away with emotions (and wallets) largely emptied. Some go home with STD's. All come away with indelible memories.

Many see BM as questionable in its artistic and entertainment values. But it is demonstrably negative in what it promotes socially and spiritually. Destructive, in fact. Then why the passion for it? The answer is that Burning Man is high church for a growing generation that recognizes no ultimate divinity; BM is perceived as experiential, undeniable truth for a growing demographic that rejects the idea of “revealed religion” (that is, Christianity and moral objectivity).

Burning Man attracts (and celebrates) more examples of paganism than most Americans know exists. Satanism, Wicca, New Age heathenry in all its expressions...it’s all here, and more. Mock execution of Christians and traditional clergy? Check. LGBT / sexual ritualism? Check. Burning Man is a confluence of spiritual options for a growing post-Christian America confidently assuming a God of their own image.


  • 0/2000
  • Tried to listen but never could grasp what the guy was saying. He’d start talking then stop then mumble something and then be silent for 10 seconds. WTF

    1 like
  • Looks like the temple in Epstein Island.

  • No need to kid ourselves. It's a radical left event with radical left principles and symbologies couched in free love and inclusion. Nothing new under the sun.

  • burning man sounds like a satanic cult to me.

  • vlast, mainstream mediji i policija ne trpe da se mladi okupljaju i zabavljaju.