Obese woman claims she can bench 350lbs and beat me in ANY physical activity!!

10 months ago

I had a conversation with an obese put of shape women. Who tried to claim she can bench press 350lbs, plays soccer all the time since she was a kid, and she can beat me in any physical activity and hangs out with good looking guys. For context, I train at the gym 5-6 days a week, I have always had a physical job or been active though out high school (I was on the football team for 4 years) as well as I have been involved on martial arts since I was 7 years old. I asked this woman for proof she could lift more on bench press than 99% of the American population, she Claines to have videos, but never was able to show me. I am not fat shaming her, I am however calling her out on her bold faces lies. There are people who train hard for years and years to get a bench press even close to 350lbs, and who do play soccer competitive. It is however very obvious this woman does neither. She needs to stop pretending she can do any of this and face reality, she is a fat slob who is still single and sits on the couch eating chips watching "Life Network".

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