Bangkok Report video: Last night more food in Bangkok Chinatown

1 year ago

Bangkok Report video: Last night more food in Bangkok Chinatown, more shark fins and bird nests soups! Tourism is Bangkok’s #1 industry. Thai Gov’t makes every efforts to make Thai a safe place for tourists. International food is about 1/3 to 1/5 of those in US. Comparing to SF and Honolulu, no homeless, no street people, no Asian (Chinese) hates, no gang robbing stores, no beating up elderly Chinese, store owners leaves things overnight next to store no one steals etc. Mass Transit at 10% of what SF charging, clean, efficient, smooth ride, nice network coverage, security at every MassTransit station, unlike in SF where BART police lives in air conditioning cars not inside the MassTransit station. Myth about Bangkok remains a myth for those never been here, like China, if you are not physically here won’t know it. My friends, most clients, UH classmates and alumni in the hospitality industries love Bangkok and Thailand. I feel safe walking down the street at 6am or 2am in Bangkok, can’t say the same in SF and Honolulu (Every city has its black spot, caution is still required) 曼谷報導視頻:昨晚曼谷唐人街美食晚餐, 當然少不了魚翅和燕巢. 旅遊業是曼谷第一大產業。 泰國政府盡一切努力使泰國成為遊客的安全之地。 國際飲食約為美國的 1/3 至 1/5。 與舊金山和檀香山相比,曼谷沒有無家可歸者,沒有街頭流浪漢,沒有亞洲人(中國人)仇恨攻擊, 沒有幫派搶劫商店,沒有毆打亞洲或中國老人,商店老闆把東西放在商店旁邊過夜,沒有人偷竊等等。公共交通費是三藩市的1/10收費, 而且清潔,高效,平穩,交通網絡覆蓋良好,每個公共交通系統車站都有保安人員保障乘客安全, 這與三藩市不同,三藩市公共交通系統警察住在空調車裡,而不是在公共交通系統車站內。 對於那些從未來過曼谷的人來說,關於曼谷的各種論點仍然是一個神話,就像中國一様, 如果你不親自來到這裡,你就不會知道實情. 我的朋友、大多數客戶、夏威夷大學同學和酒店管理行業的校友都喜歡曼谷和泰國。 在曼谷,不管我是早上 6 點或凌晨 2 點走在街上都感覺很安全,但在舊金山和檀香山卻不能這麼說了 (當然每一個城市都有黑點, 小心當地環境還是需要的)

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