Ep. 000: Sytem Setup (DEV)

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# Show Description
We are going to live-code some helper functions in the Rust programming language to enable exploring calculus concepts.

## Infrastructure
Repository: https://notabug.org/c0digam0s/calc-explorer
– Music provided by Lofi Girl
– Listen: bit.ly/lofigirI-playlists

## This Episode
1. Follow README for setup
2. Update README to fix typos

## Topic Breakdown
1. How do we setup for development on a Windows machine? What are the requirements? How does the workflow work out?
2. What changes should be made to the README? Are there setup details that are missing?

## Disclaimers
- The software written here is MIT licensed
- Use, (re)-distribute, modify, monetize at will
- The software has no guarantees and the author is not liable: test the code!
- This show provides no advice for:
- Legal
- Engineering
- Safety
- The show aims for a PG-13 environment
- There may be on occasion topics or jokes that aren't suitable for young children
- Intention: keep things relatively clean with limited to no profanity

## Footer
Fair warning: While I'm an experienced programmer, I am new to Rust, so expect many mistakes. Looking at you, borrow checker! :P

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