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A Political 'Reaction Video'

1 year ago

If you’ve never seen a reaction video they’re really popular on YouTube. Most of the time they consist of a black person reacting to rock music performed by some white dudes, or sometimes a country music video.

I enjoy them because what they do is illustrate that the cultural division that we’re told exists between us isn’t that wide as we may think.

Most of these videos demonstrate that blacks AND whites both appreciate good music, there’s a shared commonality between individuals of different racial backgrounds highlighting that our appreciation for music transcends cultural differences.

Well the same thing is true about politics and this video proves it.

The convergence and collaboration between blacks and whites in recognizing and upholding our shared values in politics is crucial for fostering a better life for our children and future generations.

Bottom line when it comes to color there are only three colors that matter…… RED WHITE AND BLUE.



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