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Prussiagate! 1871 Part 3

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  • 0/2000
  • Mr. Zoll is kicking it out of the ballpark - AGAIN.

  • Well, now! 1. Thank you Patrick!! 2. IMO this gives much credence to Dr. Jan Halper Hayes comments, at lease the part about 1871. We're not talking about Washington DC's articles of incorporation as Jon and Zak Payne discussed. It's the Treaty of Washington in 1871 and the fact that they subverted the Constitution by not engaging the 14th amendment. However, you have to know with so many young "fighting age" men dead after the civil war, we weren't really in a position to start what would have been the first world war over these debts. One can probably correctly assume that America would have been at war will most if not all of Europe had we attempted to engage the 14th at that point in our history. Anyway, I would like very much Patrick for you, Jon, and whom ever else (Kyle, Chris, Zak and not BB :) to discuss this matter in more detail at some point. 3. On 2nd thought, what I'd really LOVE is for you and the Canadian Patriot Matt Ehret to have an in depth discussion about Will Zoll's Part III Prussiagate!! And whatever else.... THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME!!

  • Thanks Patrick for reading this soon after it came out. I hadn't read it yet. This is making it clearer than ever who our enemies are. I was not aware of the British aiding the Confederacy, and prolonging the war. I had some distant relatives who fought for the Union. The grave of the Drummer Boy from Shiloh is not far from where I live. The British Crown and the Prussian/Schwabian assholes are the enemy, and they have enlisted our own State Department and other agencies in their agenda of enslaving Americans and stripping us of our sovereignty and freedom.

  • Bastards!

  • Well done 👏😉 ThankU

  • Great read P Gunz!

  • DAMN. Lots of awakening with anything Prussiagate exposes!

  • Do War Pigs next. Longer ago and bigglier.

    1 like
  • Genesis - Land of confusion

  • B*******

  • The War of Northern Aggression

  • REALLY good stuff. 😉👍

  • It would help a great deal if rather than saying “The British” you separated “The British” from “The Crown” and “The City of London”. The actual British public supported the Union, not the Confederates, and some of them paid for it with their lives. People working in the cotton mills went on strike, refusing to work with cotton produced in the Southern States. Going on strike for them meant starvation. They were on subsistence wages anyway and couldn’t afford to pay for food and lodgings. The British public were anti slavery. When Britain abolished slavery in all of its Colonies in 1833, a loan was taken out (equivalent to 70 Billion Pounds - a higher figure than 70 Billion Dollars since America counts a Billion differently to Britain) to compensate “slave owners” for freeing them. It took the average Brit until 2015 to pay it off. Add that to the loan Britain took out with America after the 2nd World War (finally paid off in 2008), the British tax payer had been in debt for longer than America. There is NO WAY that the British people would have knowingly had anything to do with supporting the Confederates. Our Government were forced in to abolishing slavery by the British people due to protests. If any British people were involved it would have been the elite or people from The City (who I would never class as British as the B(W)ankers are Globalists). The British Royal Family are totally separate from “The Crown” (i.e. The City of London). I have no idea how much involvement or investment the Royals have in the City, but they are not in charge of it. Have you ever heard of the Pentrich Revolution in 1817? It failed because it got infiltrated by spies. People were starving to death in Britain. A volcano had erupted and it was such a large eruption that there was no Summer season. All the crops failed. No one ever talks about it or any other of the many hardships we have faced. All we hear about is other countries. Your not the only victims in this world.

  • I have attached a link to a web site that details in full what happened and who in Britain supported each side of the American Civil War. https://ldhi.library.cofc.edu/exhibits/show/liverpools-abercromby-square/britain-and-us-civil-war To say that “Britain” supported the Confederates is incorrect. A small number of Merchants in Liverpool built Ships for the Confederates, but could not legally supply armaments. The Government also cracked down on the ships being built, once they were made aware that it was happening. Some cunning merchants bought cotton that managed to escape the Union blockade, bought cotton and shipped it back to sell to the Union side for a profit. 600,000 people worked in the Cotton Industry in Britain. Counting their families over 2 Million people were dependent upon it. The Civil War caused widespread poverty. I guess that means nothing to you since they were British people and not American. I recommend that you read the article in the link above. The situation was far more complicated than the few sentences given by Will Zoll. I have enjoyed listening to this series of articles, but I will not sit back and listen to the hard working, poor, tax paying British people get trashed when they didn’t do anything wrong. As far as the elite are concerned- have at it - you are quite welcome to say what you like.