I keep the Lord always before me - An interview with Boone Cutler

1 year ago

Boone Cutler is a US army veteran, he was a wartime Psychological Operations team sergeant in the United States Army and he is an author, columnist, former radio talk show host and a veteran’s advocate. His current project, "The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare", is co-authored by General Michael Flynn.

In this episode, we discuss the following:

- Boone was an infantryman for 4 years and then reclassed to psychological operations and was deployed to Iraq. He was injured and retired. He became a veteran’s advocate.

- Boone explains what fifth generation warfare is, and defines all the generations of warfare. The general rule is everything is weaponized until something better can be weaponized.

- Fifth generation warfare is not about dropping bombs, it’s about dropping manipulation.

- Boone defines psychological operations(PSYOPs) and psychological acts (PSYACTs).

- Covid was a PSYACT. The PYSOP was division.

- There are 2 books in the Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare series. The first book is titled “An introduction to 5GW”. The second book (which has just been released) is titled “How to Fight Artificial Intelligence”.

- Boone tells us that the Australian Government used AI against its people throughout Covid, to control the people. There was an AI listening system over social media in Australia. There is a section on this in the new book. AI was used to determine what people were thinking, what the sentiment was, and how to manipulate people individually so they would succumb.

- Boone tells us the New World Order controls the digital space. Another example of control is Zoom. Zoom is now using Artificial Intelligence to collect data on people. See the link below for the article about Zoom, which is mentioned in this interview.

- Boone recommends we need to gather in the physical domain as much as possible.

- What is Network Warfare? Unqualified people have been elected to positions, how is this network warfare? Does it disrupt the effectiveness of institutions?

- We discuss the Red Line List. This is the 7 things that breakdown the nation state.

- Boone tells us about the documentary “Into the Light”, which he features in. It is the follow up to the Mike Smith move, Out of Shadows.

- We discuss the Uniparty. How can they be defunded?

- How do we identify Controlled Opposition?

- China did not rollout the mRNA vaccines, they approved traditional vaccines only. But the USA did approve the mRNA vaccines and the USA mandated the mRNA vaccine to all of the US military. Wasn’t this a bad decision, an experimental injection for the entire military, while China did not use this injection on its military? Boone tells us this could be Sun Tzu, the Art of War.

Websites, Videos and Books referenced in the Interview;

- Into the Light – documentary movie


- CNBC article : Zoom can now train its A.I. using some customer data, according to updated terms.


- Flynn Michael T and Cutler Boone: Introduction to 5GW

- Flynn Michael T and Cutler Boone: How to fight Artificial Intelligence (AI)


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