Understanding this paramotor incident during take off September 2, 2023

10 months ago

0:00 Intro
0:15 Pilot intro
0:30 What happened?
0:40 Our preflight check list.
2:40 The incident
3:15 Slow mo of the incident
4:03 Need $5000 to run electricity to the nonprofit school
4:38 Redemption Launch
4:57 New student first kiting experience

Explore the captivating journey of a #Paramotor pilot as we delve deep into the #incident that occurred during takeoff. This video serves as an invaluable #lesson for fellow Paramotor enthusiasts, offering insights to prevent similar mishaps in the future.

Interested in taking flight? Discover the world of Paramotoring at http://www.paramotorarkansas.com and support our nonprofit initiative at http://www.runintothesky.org

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Richard, an exceptional student and pilot, for generously allowing us to share his experience, with the hope of preventing others from making the same error.

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