The Complete Story of Abraham | The Father of Nations | Epic History Explorers

1 year ago

Abraham, also known as Avraham in Hebrew, was the first of the Jewish patriarchs. He lived in the second millennium BCE and was adored by the three extraordinary monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. According to the Bible's book of Beginning, Abraham left Ur in Mesopotamia because God told him to start a new nation in an unspecified land that name was Canaan. He followed God's orders without question, and God gave him repeated assurances and a promise that his "seed" would get the land. The Jewish public Breeding from Abraham's child, Isaac, who was brought into the world by his wife Sarah, is regarded as the guaranteed posterity in Judaism. Similarly, in Christianity, Jesus is traced back to Isaac as his father, and Abraham's close sacrifice for Isaac is interpreted as a nod to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Ishmael, Abraham's firstborn child who was born of Hagar, is regarded as the fulfillment of God's promise in Islam, and the Prophet Muhammad is a relative of him.
In this video, we will shed light on Abraham's life in detail, what the Quran says about him and what is written in the Bible.

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