99-Quandary | See description for inciting question

1 year ago

Dear Walt,
There's a guy who came to my church last fall to instruct a musical workshop. I've never really met him, but he's constantly on my mind. He really impressed me with his singing, his demeanor, and his sense of humor. I know and I feel like he might be out of my league, but as stated earlier he is constantly on my mind. What should I do? I've prayed and asked the Lord to reveal to me why I keep thinking about him. I know the Lord, if He hasn't already, will answer me. Perhaps the answer is not what I want to hear, but I'm in a quandary right now and would love some printed answer or something I think is concrete. Thank you for listening! -In a Quandary

Dear Quandary,

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. Not knowing is the hardest part. There are a host of proverbs I could offer you as to why it's in your best interest to initiate some sort of interaction with this fellow. I know, however, that this can be quite a scary thing.

Now, the most telling part of your letter is the phrase "I know and I feel like he might be out of my league." That little bit of self-deprecation is what's holding you back. Remember this: When it comes to your fears, it's never really about the other person. It's really only about you. No one else really exists but you. ("I live in a world filled with fears, foes and fancy. But there's no one else here but me.")

Now, here's something else to think about. Your gut feeling of a connection with this person might not be what you think it is. Maybe he has a message for you that has nothing to do with love and romance. Perhaps he is the missing link to an experience that might put you on a different career path, get you a new job, find you that dream house. Don't think that just because you can't identify what you're feeling, that it's an attraction for which you risk rejection. Fear not! Go forth boldly in search of your good!

When your interest and desires
are quite obvious to view
You fear a big rejection
is what lies in store for you

You know and feel inside
he might be way out of your league
But thoughts of possibilities
spark yearning and intrigue

You feel your chances slim
that he too might feel the same way
You want to get to know him more
but don't know what to say

Just follow with your heart, friend
but don't marry expectations
When wedded to an outcome
that's what leads to great frustration

What he offers might be friendship
what he offers might be bliss
You've got to strike it now
or this great chance you'll surely miss

And know above all else my friend
the odds are really with you
It's often true the thing you seek
is also seeking you too!

"Quandary's" experience can be likened to the situation many people find themselves in with regard to chasing and living the life of their entrepreneurial dreams. The key to success is simply to take action--any action--in the direction of your desires. Use the outcome--whether good or bad--in your favor. Whatever comes as a result of your efforts can be used as a lesson you can build upon, an experience you can capitalize on, and at the very least, an opportunity to say, "At least I tried, and I have at least one new thing I learned about myself as I press forward."

Life Rhymes are a unique genre of motivational poem created by Walt F.J. Goodridge, author of over 45 books (including Turn Your Passion into Profit and The Tao of Wow. They are positive, poetic expressions of the internal dialogue that creates success. They are part affirmation, advice column, inspired observation, proverb, prayer and life lesson all rolled into one; meant to guide your thoughts so you see the world differently, interpret life's situations correctly and make choices that help you reach your highest goals!
#motivation #poetry #inspiration #personaldevelopment #selfimprovement #liferhymes #success

• Take one-a-day with an open mind

Walt F.J. Goodridge is known as the "Passion Prophet." Walt is originally from the island of Jamaica. He holds a Bachelor of Science from Columbia University and is a former civil engineer who walked away from his job to follow his passion for music, writing and sharing information. Throughout his entrepreneurial journey, he has been a radio DJ, artist manager, record label owner, network marketer, inventor and poet. He has written over two dozen books, including Turn Your Passion Into Profit, and The Tao of Wow. He owns and operates a dozen websites, writes for Entrepreneur Magazine, Black Enterprise Magazine, was recently featured in Time Magazine, Essence Magazine, The Dallas Morning News, and the Wall Street Journal. Walt conducts Passion Profit Workshops around the world and offers one-on-one coaching to help others discover their purpose, find their passion and create products to sell to make money doing what they love!

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