Chit Chat Fest, please contact EES, health stuff, about consent & other info

1 year ago

Yo Peeps, this is a follow-up of what's going on and a quick update on my chiropractor treatments to treat my scoliosis weeks three through four. How I am so beat, frustrated, and tired as what I am dealing with affects everything including relationships. There will always be good and bad days no matter what any of us do. Everyone handles things in their own way. Also, my Mom is having more short-term memory issues, along with her high anxiety, and high glucose levels as she needed to go on Insulin because she is a Diabetic. As her brain aneurysm that is the size of a small snail is unstable and she needs to remain calm otherwise, she will get worse as this could lead to her death. So far, the Insulin seems to be working, as this is a roller coaster of ups and downs, but may need a higher dose of Insulin in order to keep her Glucose levels down. I am not thrilled with the pricing of the Insulin & the needles that come separately and are just as expensive.

I have been trying to get a hold of Energy Enhancement Systems (EES) as they have this energy scalar technology device that looks like a TV with binary 0's & 1's that can heal you as this only works when you are exposed to this in the long-term.  This does not work when you are there for two hours as the effects are temporary. But why pay $60 per hour to sit in a room & supposedly relax?  Why spend $15,000 for a Qube in your home? Who benefits from another money laundering operation?
This is what I sent to them in an updated message as you will see a portion. I would encourage you to contact them by email. Before, I thought I you couldn't contact EES by phone, it turns out they do. So my bad.
I would've preferred by phone so hopefully everything gets settled in a shorter period of time so both parties would be on the same page.
Phone (702) 213-7435
Contact & Support Email
Support EEsystem
Again, it all depends with whom you deal with. As there are so many ignorant masses without brains nor discernment to understand anything. "That's why I keep pushing for prices such as the Qubes and the costs of going to the EES centers to come down now. Am not the only one who wants the EES to be more affordable and accessible.
I've offered to purchase the Qube for no more than $3000 or less with different payment plans with no response whatsoever. 
I have asked about the warranty plan just in case there are any defects with the Qubes upon delivery and years down the road. So if there is a part and/or the entire Qube that needs to be replaced is that covered under the warranty? For how many years? In addition to the warranty, why isn't there a 60-day trial period money back guarantee should anything happen as the EES would malfunction, defect, and/or decide if the product doesn't work for you isn't that reasonable?
Having more than one email address is one thing as there is no contact information to Dr. Sandra Rose Michael and her team. It's fine to have the email to customer support. But why don't you have a phone number to be contacted for those who have other disabilities such as blindness and/or those who are technically challenged?
Why isn't there an address of the main headquarters of the EES?
Is there another way to increase the frequencies of the EES to be placed in more public places such as rehab centers, senior living communities, schools, malls, etc. so no matter where you are you will feel relief. Am well aware of the operations, of course what needs to be taken out are the evil psychopaths, their minions, and the microwave and weather weapons. The battle of good vs evil will keep going, along with the battle of the moralists vs the conformists, and the wise vs the fools.

There is so much that needs to be done not only making this more affordable and accessible, but with better communication and contract law. As our whole system is based on consent. Consent and Contract make the law.
So far, I keep hearing the same generic responses with one response being you would take what I said into consideration as I would like to know what real actions would take place and how could I help? Because I am very serious as this is a game-changer as this would help with healing in the long-term.
If you are going to apply this to one side, apply this to all sides.
I need to know ASAP because there is no time to wait. I am done trying to play nice especially with the EES center near me who won't be accommodating as they are in this for the big $$. As they won't lower their prices as well.  So why aren't you telling the centers to lower their prices to $20-$30 per hour and/or setup different payment plans and discounts? I would appreciate some positive action for once and hope things turn around for the better. Because I'm tired of those who say one thing, but do another. Can't one get anything straight? Excuse me for laying it all out here, but I am not the only one who feels the same way. What happened to real healing and relief that should be freely given and freely received? Nothing is greater than all of us."
Also, throughout the over one hour video extravaganza I went over a lot of information, showing the various scans, medical devices, articles, and videos.
Just FYI, the grounding Rebuilder Medical Inc. device that I showed after you turn it on lasts for thirty minutes and once turned on will turn off on it's own. I do this at least twice per day. Yes, beware this can electrocute you when used incorrectly.

Somewhere in the video I apologized to Alex Stein on his show last Sunday and my brain froze when it came to NORAD definition and how Derco Aerospace is connected to them. Yes, I am a moron for not doing a shoutout to Alex, I apologize once again. This sassy single lady trans-financial honeybadger squirrel is not perfect nor is anyone else, okay moving on.

I am dead serious about mass noncompliance, along with other things as well. Where are the real Men out there, why does it take a woman that has to point something out? Each of us does what they can in their own time. It's true that our whole system is based on consent. There is so much to consider is it not? I would appreciate any assistance that you can to support me.
PayPal https://www.PayPal.Me/TruthIsUnbreakable

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EES near me $60 per hour per person is insane!

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