Homemade Flour Tortillas

9 months ago

Welcome back to Cubano's cooking.

Today we will be making the most waited recipe . My recipe is inspired from @homeofherown ( she's on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/homeofherown/ as well on TikTok ).

I was very skeptical about making this recipe out fear of failing. Baking is not my strongest thing when it comes to cooking, however, I have been practicing :) . I have also come to learn for the past few months that great quality ingredients free from additives, gums, or weird word ingredients that we can't pronounce are not good for us and can also affect the food we make and consume. After using good quality ingredients on other of my baking recipes such as ( My family's fav Blueberry Lemon Loaf Recipe ), I came to the conclusion that my homemade tortillas were going to turned out AMAZING. I was also tired of buying the store flour tortillas and felt disappointed that my entire meal had clean ingredients expect the tortillas . This would leave me really bloated and not satisfied. As someone who suffers from gut issues ( currently on recovery still ).Often times these foods have so many bad ingredients that the one thing we often do is eat more without feeling satisfied or full making us consume more than we should. Making this recipe and actually eating these tortillas today has not only made me feel satisfied and full for longer but I don't feel the need to consume more or overeat.

I hope this recipe helps anyone who wants to not only eat better, but feel batter when you cook with whole foods, and not foods with the worst ingredients .Trust me you won't come back for store bought tortillas ever again.

My recipe is inspired from @homeofherown ( she has some incredible homemade recipes that anyone can follow ). This recipe is simple an anyone can make it. The best thing is it only has 5 ingredients.


- 3 cups all purpose flour ( I used King Arthur unbleached all purpose flour )
- 1 stick of unsalted butter of your choice ( I recommend Organic Clover Sonoma Unsalted Butter )
-1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp of salt
-some olive oil


- Add 1 cup of water in a microwave/stovetop/oven safe
cup or bowl, and 1 stick (8tbs) of butter. Warm it up until the butter is completely melted.
-Mix dry ingredients before adding in your butter/water mixture.Slowly add water mixture.Once your dough is kneaded, cover with a clean towel for 15 minutes and let it rest.
- Prepare the skillet and brush some olive oil and turn stove top on medium to high heat. Make sure you pay attention to the heat you don't want to burn your tortillas. While skillet is warming up, cut your doughs up into little balls and roll out your doughs before adding on a skillet! Once tortillas cook, store them in a plastic ziplog bag . Continue the process of brushing the skillet with olive oil, cooking the tortilla, and storing them in the ziplock bag until all the dough is gone. It was my first time so I know the tortillas were a little deformed , but the taste is amazing! I got better at making the shape by my third batch.

I made 3 batches since we love to use the homemade tortillas for tacos, and quick breakfasts. Since this was a trial there were leftovers so we decided to have breakfast burritos for supper as well. We all had two tortillas .It's less food but you feel full for longer and I cook less yay :) . My feet needed rest.

I paired these homemade flour tortillas with some eggs, bison sausage ,delicious ;( Bought them at Costco called Force of Nature ) , some mushroom , and also made homemade refried beans. Whenever I'm busy I like to make big batches so that I'm not all day on the kitchen ; which is usually the case , but I love making these homemade meals for my family and giving them the best so they can feel good too. My husband and with our son's help they work super hard around the house and outside as well ,therefore I work hard in making the food that will fuel their body properly so that they can have the energy they need to continue with their daily work .

For storing : Simply let the tortillas cool down completely and you can transfer them to a dry new ziplock bag. As the tortillas cool down you'll see moisture build up and you want to make sure they stay nice and dry to avoid the creation of mold, hence I transfer into a new ziplock bag. Remember these are homemade and will only last 3-4 days on your pantry . However if you want them to last longer simply put them on your fridge and they will last up to a week.

For Heating: I pre-heat my oven at 300F degrees. I wrap the tortillas in aluminum foil and cover them, placing them in the oven for 10-15 minutes until fully heated through. They will taste fresh and as if you just made them.

if you found this recipe helpful, click like , share and subscribe. Be Blessed !

I found this Verse of the day perfect for today:

Verse: “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” - Psalm 56:3 📖

Encouragement: Trusting God doesn’t mean you’ll never feel fear, but it does mean you have a place to turn when you do. Your trust in God serves as a foundation, providing stability and reassurance in uncertain times. Lean into that trust when fear tries to creep in.

Prayer: Dear God, in moments of fear and doubt, help us to turn to You. Strengthen our trust in Your goodness and reliability. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 🙏🏼

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