Come and See! – John 1:35-51

9 months ago

Last week we took a look at part of John the Baptist's testimony regarding Jesus. We focused mainly on the men sent by the Pharisees to question John about his identity and mission. Our main lesson from last week was to not argue Scripture with the lost. Instead, we should point them to Jesus. We do so with both words and actions – but primarily our actions as we live lives befitting of the name of God.

The people we shouldn't be arguing with are those who really don't want the truth. They just want to argue. But every once in a while we encounter true seekers. These are folks who know they are missing something. They are looking for answers. Should we try to reason Scripture with them? If they are lost, the answer is still 'no'. They still can't understand spiritual things due to their carnal minds. BUT we can do more than just point them to Jesus. We can actually introduce them to Jesus. We can say, "come and see!" The first of Jesus' disciples did just that.

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