False Prophets: Defined (God's 419) | Ita Udoh | God's Lighthouse

1 year ago

A true prophet is one who speaks what the Lord is saying not what he feels like saying or what the people's itchy ears want to hear (like Ahab's Prophets in II King 22.)

A False prophet is not necessarily someone that is not born again, or does not have a calling to preach. A false prophet is one who does not speak the true will of God. You are supposed to go to a prophet to hear what God is saying, the mind of God. Many false prophets have gone into the world so we have to beware.

When you go to a prophet with an idol [something you exalt above God] in your heart, be rest assured that God will answer you according to the idol in your heart - Ezekiel 14:4-9. And He will destroy both you and the prophet!

Remember Balaam? Who was almost killed by the angel with the sword when he insisted on going to curse the children of Israel because he was offered money… he had an idol of greed in his heart!

When the advice or words of a prophet is contrary to scriptures, run!

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