Trump Talks About Vivek As Potential VP While Rudy Fights Off Dangerous Democrat Legal Assassins | Lance Wallnau

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Trump talks about Vivek as potential VP while Rudy fights off dangerous democrat legal assassins

You won't believe the insights we're diving into in this episode! From Trump's intriguing take on potential VP pick Vivek to the hidden tactics for dealing with the Deep State, we're dissecting it all. Plus, we'll unravel the truth behind Giuliani's legal battles and why Hungary's Orban thinks Trump could save the Western world. You definitely don't want to miss this dose of unfiltered insights and bold perspectives!

Podcast Episode 1119: Trump Talks About Vivek As Potential VP While Rudy Fights Off Dangerous Democrat Legal Assassins | don’t miss this! Listen to more episodes of the Lance Wallnau Show at

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