Chloe Cole Wounds that wont heal she tells a psychiatrist her transition & detransition story.

9 months ago

I did a reaction video 4 months ago about a transgender woman Chloe Cole that has detransition from being a man back to being a woman, however this interview is taking place with a psychiatrist that specializes in this field. This is very detailed of how hard it it for minors especially on social media, school, or through friends. That tell you that your in the wrong body. Minors have laws they have to abide by due to how their brain is not mature enough to react, nor understand what they really want. These surgeries , testosterones , hormones, and what the actual surgery they can not go back. This is no good for either side even if they transition they are not happy their have been ones that have taken their own life. My state and 30 others have now closed all transgender doctors, medicine, and surgeries for minors. This is a very dangerous game that is being played on lots of minors. I know when I was young there was things I didn't like about myself, but I wasn't in the wrong body it 's just normal teenage hormones, however some of these minors will never know what normal x life is like, nor have a orgasm = the rapid pleasurable release of neuromuscular tensions at the height of sexual arousal that is usually accompanied by the ejaculation of semen in the male and by vaginal contractions in the female. I feel very bad for those that didn't really understand that they could never change back once they start the surgeries. I have a hard time understanding all of it as well, but just leave minors alone.

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