Vintage CNN -Iraq War Day 3 -Bernard Shaw & John Holliman "Escape" Iraq (Pt2) -Jan18-91 (8:30PM EST)

1 year ago

👉 Full Playlist 👈👈👈👈👈


👉 Jan 16-91 CENTCOM announces 425,000 US troops in theater,
supported by ground forces of 19 nations and naval efforts
of 14 nations. First elements of USAFE Joint Task Force
Headquarters deploy from Ramstein AB, Germany, to Incirlik
AB, Turkey, and prepare to establish USAF’s first wartime
composite wing. Seven B-52Gs, launching from Barksdale AFB,
La., become first aircraft to take off on Desert Storm
combat mission; BUFFs of 596th Bomb Squadron, 2nd Bomb Wing,
carry supersecret, never-before-used AGM-86C Conventional
Air Launched Cruise Missiles.

👉 Jan 17-91 Coalition air forces launch Desert Storm at about
3 a.m. local time (7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Jan. 16).
Barksdale B-52Gs arrive over Saudi Arabia, launch 35 CALCMs
against high-value Iraqi targets, return to Barksdale,
completing 14,000-mile, 35-hour nonstop mission-longest
strike mission in history of aerial warfare. Coalition seeks
to gain air superiority, destroy Iraq’s special weapons
capability, disrupt command and control. USAF Capt. Jon Kelk
of 33rd TFW (Eglin AFB) shoots down Iraqi MiG-29 at 3:10
a.m. in first air-to-air victory. Coalition forces fly more
than 750 attack sorties from land bases during early morning
and day. US Navy launches 228 combat sorties from six
carriers in Red Sea and Arabian Gulf. Turkey approves USAF
use of Incirlik and Turkish airspace to open northern front
against Iraq. USAFE immediately deploys aircraft to Turkey.

👉 Jan 18-91 Iraq launches Scud missiles against Israel, Saudi
Arabia. Cheney activates CRAF Stage 2, raising total draw
from airlines to 79 passenger aircraft and 108 civilian
cargo aircraft. Navy Lt. Jeffrey Zaun captured after his
A-6E is shot down.

👉 Jan 19-91 Two F-16Cs from 614th Tactical Fighter Squadron
(Torrejon AB) shot down by surface-to-air missiles; pilots
taken prisoner. Three more Scuds hit Israel, injuring 10.
Iraq parades seven coalition airmen on television. US
delivers to Israel two batteries of Patriot anti-aircraft
missiles and US Army personnel to operate them. Bush signs
Executive Order 12743, allowing him to call to active duty
Ready Reservists and to extend tour of duty from six months
up to two years for 160,000 reservists already activated.

👉 Feb. 23 B-52s pound Iraqi positions. Iraqis set 100 more
Kuwaiti oil wells on fire. Total of coalition attack sorties
flown during air war reaches 94,000. Schwarzkopf determines
attrition of Iraqi combat effectiveness is sufficient for
successful ground offensive with few casualties.

👉 Feb. 24 G-Day. Coalition ground forces embark on what turns
out to be 100-hour campaign. Tanks fitted with bulldozer
blades punch holes in Iraqi defenses. Air war enters final
phase—support for coalition ground forces. Schwarzkopf
throws 100,000 troops into assault on Iraqi forces, which
surrender in large numbers. Coalition attack sorties total

👉 Feb. 25 Scud hits Dhahran barracks used by US Army
Reservists, killing 28, wounding more than 100. Baghdad
Radio airs Saddam order for Iraqi forces to withdraw from
Kuwait. At least 517 oil wells in Kuwait on fire. US and
French forces secure coalition western flank inside Iraq. US
Army 101st Division moves north to An Nasiriyah on Euphrates
River. US 24th Mechanized Infantry Division turns east to
cut off possible Iraqi avenues of retreat north from Basra.
US and British armored units move eastward toward Iraqi
Republican Guards armored divisions along Kuwait­Iraq

👉 Feb. 26 “Mother of all retreats” features Iraqi soldiers
attempting to escape envelopment of Kuwait. Thousands of
military, civilian vehicles, loaded with looted goods, clog
four-lane highway out of Kuwait City. Repeated air attacks
destroy much of panicked army’s equipment. Coalition forces
engage Republican Guards between Kuwait-­Iraq border and
Basra. Other coalition forces seize Kuwait City and Al

👉 Feb. 27 Coalition liberates Kuwait City, envelops Iraqi
forces. Coalition, Iraqi units fight largest tank battle
since World War II Battle of Kursk between Germans and
Soviets: Two Army divisions decimate two Republican Guard
divisions. Two specially made 4,700-pound GBU-28 bombs
destroy “impregnable” Iraqi command bunker at Al Taji.
Coalition attack sorties reach one-day record of 3,500. Bush
announces that coalition forces would suspend offensive
operations the next day at 8 a.m. local time. Bush says Iraq
must end military action, free all POWs, third country
nationals, and Kuwaiti hostages, release remains of
coalition forces killed in action, agree to comply with all
UN resolutions, and reveal location of land and sea mines.

👉 Feb. 28 Fighting stops. Iraq agrees to observe cease-fire,
attend military-to-military talks on cessation of
hostilities. Coalition air forces fly 3,500 sorties, for
total of 110,000. Iraqi Foreign Minister Aziz notifies UN
Security Council that Iraq accepts 12 UN resolutions dealing
with invasion of Kuwait. DOD says coalition forces destroyed
or rendered ineffective 42 Iraqi divisions, captured more
than 50,000 Iraqi prisoners, destroyed or captured 3,000 of
4,030 tanks in southern Iraq and Kuwait, and destroyed or
captured 962 of 2,870 armored vehicles, 1,005 of 3,110
artillery pieces, 103 of 639 aircraft (with another 100 or
so in quarantine in Iran). Coalition forces continue to
destroy captured and abandoned Iraqi armor and artillery.
Coalition airplanes flew 110,000 sorties over Iraq and
Kuwait, one-half of which were combat and one-half support
(reconnaissance, air refueling, search and rescue, etc.) US
casualties are reported as 79 killed in action, 212 wounded
in action, 45 missing in action, nine POWs. (Casualties
later revised to 613.)


I ripped this segment from an old VHS tape that I
recorded from the live cable TV broadcast 30yrs ago.
I left the commercials to retain the nostalgia.


👉 Operation Desert Storm - The Beginning of the Gulf War.

On January 16, 1991, President George H. W. Bush announced
the start of what would be called Operation Desert Storm
—a military operation to expel occupying Iraqi forces from
Kuwait, which Iraq had invaded and annexed months earlier.

For weeks, a U.S.-led coalition of two dozen nations had
positioned more than 900,000 troops in the region, most
stationed on the Saudi-Iraq border. A U.N.-declared deadline
for withdrawal passed on January 15, with no action from Iraq,
so coalition forces began a five-week bombardment of Iraqi
command and control targets from air and sea.

Despite widespread fears that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
might order the use of chemical weapons, a ground invasion
followed in February. Coalition forces swiftly drove Iraq
from Kuwait, advancing into Iraq, and reaching a cease-fire
within 100 hours—controversially leaving Saddam Hussein in

While coalition casualties were in the hundreds, Iraqi
losses numbered in the tens of thousands.

Weapons of Mass Destruction? Chemical Weapons?


👉 CNN footage from the Geneva Peace Conference
that took place on Jab 09, 1991.

Geneva Peace Conference - George Bush - Jan 09 1991

Geneva Peace Conference - Tariq Aziz - Jan 09 1991


👉 CNN footage from Day 2 of Operation Desert Storm.
It appears to have been broadcast on Jan 17, 1991.

It covers the Presidential and Pentagon Press Briefings
that took place on the second day of Desert Storm.

Iraq War Day 2 - Pentagon Press Briefing - Jan 17 1991 (4:30PM EST)

Iraq War Day 2 - George Bush Press Briefing - Jan 17 1991 (5:30PM EST)

Iraq War Day 2 - Saddam Launches Scuds (Part 1/3) - Jan17-91 (7-9:00PM EST)

Iraq War Day 2 - Saddam Launches Scuds (Part 2/3) - Jan17-91 (7-9:00PM EST)

Iraq War Day 2 - Saddam Launches Scuds (Part 3/3) - Jan17-91 (7-9:00PM EST)

Iraq War Day 2 - News Hour - Jan17-91 (9:30PM EST)

Iraq War Day 2 - News Hour - Jan17-91 (10:00PM EST)

Iraq War Day 2 - News Hour - Live 👉 Israeli Ambassador to the US - Jan17-91 (10:30PM EST)

Iraq War Day 2 - News Hour - Live 👉 Chemical Weapons "Expert" - Jan17-91 (11:00PM EST)

Iraq War Day 2 - News Hour - Live 👉 Israeli Ambassador to UN - Jan17-91 (11:30PM EST)

Vintage CNN - War in the Gulf - Weapons of Mass Destruction - Jan 17 1991


👉 CNN footage from Day 3 of Operation Desert Storm.
It appears to have been broadcast on Jan 18, 1991.

Iraq War Day 3 - News Hour - Live 👉 Netanyahu - Jan18-91 (12:00AM EST)

Iraq War Day 3 - News Hour - Jan18-91 (6:30PM EST)

Iraq War Day 3 - Crossfire - Jan18-91 (7:00PM EST)

Iraq War Day 3 - News Hour - Live 👉 CNN Reporters "Escape" Iraq (Pt1) -Jan18-91 (8:00PM EST)

Iraq War Day 3 - News Hour - Live 👉 CNN Reporters "Escape" Iraq (Pt2) -Jan18-91 (8:30PM EST)

Iraq War Day 3 - Larry King Live - Jan18-91 (9:00PM EST)

Iraq War Day 3 - News Hour - Jan18-91 (10:00PM EST)

Iraq War Day 3 - News Hour - Jan18-91 (10:30PM EST)


👉 CNN footage from Day 4 of Operation Desert Storm.
It appears to have been broadcast on Jan 19, 1991.

Iraq War Day 4 - Patriot Missiles Arrive in Israel (4:30PM EST)

Iraq War Day 4 - News Hour - Jan19-91 (5:30PM EST)

Iraq War Day 4 - News Hour - Jan19-91 (6:00PM EST)

Iraq War Day 4 - Newsmaker Saturday - Live 👉 Netanyahu - Jan19-91 (6:30PM EST)

Iraq War Day 4 - The Capital Gang - Jan19-91 (8:00PM EST)


👉🆕 CNN footage from Day 41 of Operation Desert Storm.
It appears to have been broadcast on Feb 26, 1991.

Day three of the ground assault into Kuwait.

Iraq War Day 41 - Crossfire - Feb26-91 (7:30PM EST)

Iraq War Day 41 - News Hour - Feb26-91 (8:00PM EST)

Iraq War Day 41 - News Hour - Feb26-91 (8:30PM EST)

Iraq War Day 41 - Larry King Live - Feb26-91 (9:00PM EST)


Vintage CNN, Desert Storm, Gulf War, Saddam Hussein, Chemical Weapons, WMD, Scud Missiles, Hezbollah, Hamas

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