if only they applied these same expectations to themselves

1 year ago

can't believe that i've waited this long to drink coconut water, so refreshing
if you ever wanna self-mutilate w/out the guts that it takes, just work at a restaurant and you will get injured
we the people are pissed off...CLASSIC constitutionalist
why are people fleeing to the south if it ain't rising again
southerners obviously believe in that freedom, say what chu want about race (they always say the same shit)
if you're not willing to die for it then you don't love it
recognition is good tho at the very least
those that say stupid shit like the struggle is real don't really struggle
at least you can still bitch about it
i have a detachment issue i think
i love that little plastic dinosaur like i gave birth to him damnit
i finally cleaned out my car, it took me over a month haha
starting is always the hardest part
i gotta reserve my motivation for the important shit
in light of this subject, what am i surviving exactly
complaining is all too easy
sciatica was the worst it's ever been when i hurt my back
it still works, that's why it hurts
the word bless offends many a leftist
i shouldn't assume that ANYONE thinks like me haha
this country wasn't built over night, so "the left" isn't responsible for taking it down seemingly over night
americans seem to care way more about what's on the surface
life is better w/ a shovel
mass consumerism doesn't help
and corporations will continue to thrive when the little people suffer the most
infantilization all around, not just thru technology...not too many people willing to work for what they want
we shoulda never given those mfs so much credit, they're letting us down b/c they have no choice
ag woke is the only real woke

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