The Great Wall Of China Built | Dewar E Cheen History In Urdu - Hindi

1 year ago

The Great Wall of China is home to the 7 Wonders of the World. This wall was built by Ni Tamir, the King of Chin of our time, to protect Chin from the enemy Himlu. Mongolia is inhabited by the Mongolian nation of China. The nomadic people of Wah, robbers, robbers and sometimes their rulers would invade China whenever they had the opportunity and the people of China are one. You will be surprised by this life, crazy China's Tamir Mai 1000000 Zaid Mazdoor has taken over and this great city has been destroyed.
The Chin Wall is 13,200 miles long and every 200 yards there is a room that can be as far away as 5 whites. The people of ancient China have carved this wall on their own. It is said that the naked Mai of the wall of China is the only Anani Tamir that can be seen from the open, but Bad Mai has been declared as a mafutuzha.

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