King Charles III_ PROVEN to be THE AntiChrist, Period (A Few Key Points)

1 year ago

Prophecy House, where you may obtain my books, as well as related teaching and other materials:

Interview with Jon Pounders and Scott Harwell, August 17, 2023, on the topic of the AntiChrist. IMPORTANT NOTES TO READ BEFORE WATCHING:
1) I misspoke when mentioning Isaiah 2 and Malachi 4, but meant Isaiah 2 and Micah 4.
2) Scripturally, neither Israel nor Jerusalem are "Mystery Babylon." The latter is a CITY (Revelation 14:8, 17:18, 18:10, 18:16, 18:19), which shall be THRUST (CAST) DOWN right before Armageddon (Revelation 18:21; see also 14:8, 16:19, 18:1-2, 19:2-3). Jerusalem atop Mount Tsion (Zion), however, shall be RAISED UP (Isaiah 2 and Micah 4). Those who allege Mystery Babylon is Jerusalem or Israel, are GUILTY OF FALSE TEACHING, as I point out in the above interview.
3) In the Old Testament, as in many cultures today, SENDING A SPOUSE AWAY or PUTTING A SPOUSE AWAY ... IS ... THE ACT OF DIVORCE! A bill or writ of divorce was MERELY A FORMALITY, though one leaving NO room for confusion or contradiction. What I state in the above interview regarding Judah having been divorced just like Israel, when the Babylonian Captivity ensued following the Assyrian Captivity in the fourth millennium (fourth day) of the Week of History, is CORRECT AND TRUE. All who contradict me on this, do NOT know scripture or biblical culture and history so well as they imagine they do. Though Judah did NOT receive a bill of divorce, unlike Israel, both were PUT AWAY / SENT AWAY, both were divorced, so that the WHOLE NATION OF ISRAEL WAS DIVORCED—though later allowed to return to the Promised Land, none the less, with the end of the Babylonian Captivity.
4) Watch the interview from start to finish, without jumping around, so that you may understand all that is shared.

Respectful comments and short questions are welcome and encouraged. Silly or rude comments, or improper ones made without having first actually listened to, and watched the interview and its content, may be deleted. For longer questions, email me via Prophecy House.

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