Why people are told and prefer fiction, not the Truth | Yuval Noah Harari

9 months ago

“The truth has two big problems. The truth tends to be COMPLICATED and the truth tends to be PAINFUL. ... If you go to people and you tell them a complicated and painful story, many don't want to listen. The advantage of fiction is that it can be made as simple and as painless or attractive as you want it to be, because it's fiction. And then what you see is that politicians like Hitler, they create a very simple story: 'We are the heroes, we always do good things, everybody's against us, everybody's trying to trample us', and this is very attractive.”

Leaders and mainstream media told the population a very simple story during the COVID ‘pandemic’:

- A novel deadly virus has escaped from Wuhan and caused a global pandemic
- Vaccination is the only way out. Natural immunity is a conspiracy theory
- Each and every person must be vaccinated: No one is safe until everyone is safe
- Measures of mass destruction (euphemistically called non-pharmaceutical mitigation measures) are strictly required until everybody is vaccinated
- The vaccine is safe and effective
- The vaccine blocks transmission
- To be a good person, you just need to get vaccinated and religiously follow the Guidelines. If you don't do these simple things, you are a bad person.
- The anti-vaxxers and conspiracy thinkers are a bunch of crazy nuts who are a threat to society

This very simple story is also very attractive: just 2 shots of a perfectly safe product and both you and your loved ones will be safe from the virus, we can go back to normal, and you will be a hero because your cooperation will make life better for everyone. This simple, attractive story also has the antagonists required for group cohesion: the (invisible) 'virus' and the anti-vaxxers/conspiracy theorists.

The glaring problem with this story is that everything about it is WRONG.

- No ‘virus’ has ever been adequately proven to exist and to cause specific disease. Most 'infectious' diseases have not been adequately proven to be infectious, i.e. no adequate differential diagnosis has been made that they are not completely caused by environmental factors (e.g. hay fever, air pollution, radiation sickness, dry air, etc.) and/or common factors (e.g. deficiency in vitamins/minerals, (injected) toxins).
- No vaccine in the history of mankind has been adequately proven to be safe and effective
- Measures of mass destruction are only needed to increase vaccine uptake. The more miserable you become due to the measures and the more you believe that mass vaccination is the only way out, the more likely you are to let yourself be injected with an experimental toxin.
- There are countless harmless and highly effective methods for prevention and treatment, but they threaten profitability and the power grab. Also, the most effective prevention are improvements in diet and lifestyle, which requires sacrifices and further threatens profits of the food/pharmaceutical/sick care industry.
- No vaccine blocks transmission of a disease in the slightest.
- You are a good person if you think and behave independently. The problem is that this is difficult and time-consuming, so people don’t want to hear it. The uncertainty and the inevitable conclusions are very uncomfortable, at least initially.
- The anti-vaxxers and conspiracy thinkers are often proven right within a few months to years. What they say can be compared to a spoiler alert.


Fascists don’t tend to think they’re monsters; they think they are beautiful: “When you look in the fascist mirror, you don’t see a monster; you see the most beautiful thing in the world.”

Fascists are oppressors, but according to Harari, they tend to think they are victims. They think they are good, ethical people who are doing the right thing.

The reality is that they are wrong. The best thing you might say about them is that they are complicit in their own brainwashing.

Although they may think the opposite, those in favor of mandatory injections with nearly untested concoctions (mandated risk) are fascists (vascists). They are dictators (vaxtators, jabtators).

They discriminate against those who refuse to take unnecessary, life-threatening, counter-effective injections and choose to exercise their right to bodily integrity given to them by the Nuremberg Code.

Jabtators want to oppress those who refuse to take part in their vaccine cult. This is not racist, but vacist, and it’s equally bad.

Harari is part of this group and like most other fascists, he doesn’t seem to realize that he is.

That vascists took the tox shot themselves and may even have forced it on their children, doesn’t absolve them of guilt. It just absolves them of hypocrisy in this specific matter. They may think they ‘took one for the team’, but they took one for nothing and have much to atone for.


> Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.
> ...
> The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”


Yuval Noah Harari: Human Nature, Intelligence, Power, and Conspiracies | Lex Fridman Podcast #390
55:20 - 58:25

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