I can't help but steal from my family and friends.

10 months ago

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Hello guys, I am Rob and I want to share my story with you. I think it’s quite different from what you are used to hearing, so listen carefully to all the details before making any judgment!

It all started a few years ago on my 13th birthday. I went with my dad to an electronics store to choose my birthday’s present. I wanted to get some video games because I didn’t really care about anything else back then. My dad didn’t mind because he’s doing great financially so he said he’s willing to buy me five different ones for my birthday.

I was happy, and 5 was more than enough for me, but somehow I found myself stealing a sixth one, instead of asking my dad to buy it. I wasn’t caught.

This idea appealed to me and it didn’t feel like stealing or doing something bad!

Days passed by and whenever I like something, anything, I won’t hesitate for a moment to steal it and hide it, without drawing anyone’s attention to me. I became better and better at it every day. I felt like I become invisible when I steal. No one could catch me. No one at all! I literally stole things from all the members of my extended family.

Once, I took the wedding ring of my late grandfather, which my grandmother really loved and saved in her valuable jewelry box for many years after my grandfather died. She got so nervous and mad when she couldn’t find it. She asked everyone to help her find it. I remained silent. She cried for days and days. I felt bad for her, but I didn’t feel bad about taking the ring. But, don’t worry, I returned it later, just because it didn’t fit my finger’s size and oh well, it’s very old-fashioned.

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